Our love for tea drives us to craft experiences that delight with every cup. Among our prized collections, the ginger tea range stands out for its bold flavours and soothing qualities.

Featured in blends like Lemongrass and Ginger, Indian Spice and Gingernut Chai, our ginger teas are perfect for those who appreciate the vibrant, spicy kick of flavour.

Benefits of ginger tea

Traditionally used as a health tonic, people have reached for a mug of ginger tea after a meal or when facing stomach troubles for centuries. It's still sipped around tables today and is especially loved for its anti-inflammatory properties and zesty flavours that awaken all your senses.

Ginger tea for every taste

Our ginger tea range is crafted with the finest ingredients, ensuring that each blend offers a unique and memorable flavour profile. Whether you’re drawn to the crispness of Lemongrass and Ginger, the depth of Indian Spice or the comforting warmth of Gingernut Chai.

Elevate your tea experience with T2, where every cup is a journey. For other herbal and floral tea blends, explore our range of chamomile and peppermint

How to brew ginger tea

Traditionally, you would have to peel and slice fresh ginger root thinly and boil it in water for 10 to 15 minutes before straining the mixture into a cup and adding honey and lemon to taste.

For your convenience, you can add one of our tea bags or tea leaves in boiling water and steep for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the preferred strength of your tea. Add honey or your choice of sweetener.

When to drink ginger tea

The best time to drink ginger tea depends on your routine and preferences. Drinking it in the morning can help awaken and invigorate your senses. Some find sipping it in the evening can help you digest your meal. Be sure to check the ingredients of your ginger tea to see whether it contains caffeine – if it does, avoid sipping in the late afternoon or nighttime.

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